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How to use this blog:

This blog has been created as a resource with which to learn the language of Latin as a living language, which is to say a language which one can actually speak, both to others and to oneself. In contrast, a dead language, which is how Latin is normally thought of, is a language which may be translated both to and from but is neither spoken nor listened to fluently, like a cipher or code.

In order to be able to think in a language one must be able to speak in it, at least to oneself. Most people when reading 'hear' the words in their mind as they do so. The best way to learn to do this is through conversation, much as every child learns their native tongue, beginning with the most basic of rudiments and progressing from there.

It is the intent of this blog to present, using a conglomeration of sources, a step-by-step course of just such material for the use of the beginner. By starting at post number one in the blog archive and diligently following the instructions, reading, listening, speaking, and writing accordingly, and using the linked reference pages at the head of every screen to learn the terms and rules of the language of Latin, progress will be made.

Learning Latin need not be complicated, if concepts are introduced in a logical sequence, and if enough effort is applied in the repetition of the reading, writing, speaking and listening. Fluency is ultimately the result of consistent repetition of what has already been learnt, coupled with regular additions of new material.

Constant repetition, regularly augmented.

Constant repetition, regularly augmented…